La marcia​
/Power Trip
Berlin, Germany
28.10.2022 - A century before, fascists from all over Italy were marching into Rome, marking the beginning of a two-decades long regime. After three years pandemic, in the middle of a combustible crisis, with a skyrocketing inflation and a nuclear war blinking from East, how far are we from our precursors? How tight can we hold ourselves to civil rights and dismiss the seductive chant of the nationalist sirens?

(Translation from original Italian)
"For my fatherland, I gave life.
First we closed the borders. Right, we let some drown, but only for the others to understand that our country is ours.
Then we closed the gypsy camps and these we dispersed. Because they steal.
Then we went and got the blacks out of their hovels. Because they are indecent and they stink. Some of us lost profits and complained - we went and got them too.
Then we went and got the Chinese. Because they brought us covid.
Then we went and got the Arabs. Because they thought they could take advantage of our women and we had to protect them.
Then we went and got all the new wannabe citizens. Because our fatherland is founded on ancient traditions and these run in our blood.
Then we went and got all the gender-ideology people. Because they are disgusting and against nature.
We tried to heal homosexuals. We couldn't and we went and got them too.
We banned abortion and tried to make all women understand the wonder of their role as mothers and wives. We failed and went for them too.
I tried to make my allied friends understand that compromises and exceptions degrade morality. I failed and had to take them too.
Some might say that I am power-sick.
Yet sometimes I also like to take orders."